
Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate by Gregg Braden

Braden clearly summarizes our current position in the world and suggests how we can improve our future for 2012 and beyond. He presents Six Deep Truths that solve personal and world problems if we accept them and states Five Major Crises confronting us. Six Deep Truths The first two Deep Truths set up the dilemma. 1. Our ability to impact the problems we face depends on our willingness to accept new scientific discoveries. Many new scientific discoveries are simply not known or, if known, are ignored since they conflict with older beliefs. Braden mentions specific discoveries in Deep Truths 3-6. 2. We must include new discoveries into our education system or else we will remain stuck in old beliefs. As a teacher, I respond strongly to this concept and agree since we allow mainstream and traditional views to dominate our thinking and beliefs in the classroom as well as in our lives. The next four Deep Truths discuss the new discoveries that force us to rethink our beliefs and actions. 3

The Mystic Heart: Discovering A Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions by Wayne Teasdale

What a wonderful book that describes a universal spirituality, one in which we welcome and accept all religions and spiritual paths. Wayne Teasdale is a monk who combines Christianity and Hinduism. Reading his book makes you feel as if you are in the presence of a wise, holy man. Rarely do I desire to meet an author after reading his work, yet in this case that is exactly what I wanted to do. Alas, he died 2004, and I will have to be content with reading his two more recent books, which I will do. While there is much in this book that I could discuss, I doubt if I could create the sense of peace and wisdom he conveys. I will focus on his Nine Elements of a Mature Interspirituality, or universal spirituality. You might want to evaluate which values are already strong in your life and which ones you most need to work on. 1) Moral Capacity Love your neighbor as yourself and be compassionate, loving, kind and other-centered. This moral dimension of life is necessary for spirituality. 2) So

Who Was the Apostle Peter and Who Wrote the New Testament?

There was great excitement a few years back when the Vatican announced that the burial site of Peter, the Apostle, and his remains were found. Soon after when visiting the Vatican the area leading to his tomb was roped off and prohibited. That was strange as the bodies of other popes were on display, some in glass enclosed cabinets with altars for saying mass. One would think it would have had pride of place in the displays. It would be years later before the truth of that discovery would be shown to me and made possible to reveal the messages given by the Spirit. My reincarnation proves that heaven and hell are myths as are devils, angels, and saints. There is no Trinity as only one God exists, the Spirit of the Universe. Between lives there was a vision given to me of my life ahead and that the age of 45 would be special. It was then that the power struck one night pinning me to the bed unable to move a muscle. In a loud positive voice came the command to tear down the wall of church

Dark Mountains Are Done In by the Sun of Righteousness

There is a given in physics - light and dark don't exist together as light will always kill the darkness. The Sun of Righteousness is the light of the Spirit and it is raised and healing has followed it. Miracles are occurring globally as people are healed; the blind see and the deaf are finally able to hear the words of God. It is the time of the end when all things were promised to be revealed. Following my reincarnation and a vision given between lives that the age of 45 would be special it was then that a commission to tear down the wall of churches and to bring back the children of God was received. After a learning session of some years given by the Spirit all was revealed to me. The wall is the confusion and mystery constructed by the 2 beasts of Revelation 13 and they invented gods and false prophets that have ruled the world and built the dark mountains. They are seen everywhere in statues and imagery of their imagination. Constantine is the 2nd beast who invented Jesus Ch

Finding God Through Spiritual Journaling

On the road to Emmaus the disciples didn't recognize Jesus. Jesus spoke with them, asking them questions about everything that had happened to Him. Jesus then opened their eyes to the scriptures and later to His identity. After Jesus left their sight, the disciples reflected on their Emmaus experience saying, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" How often are we on our own road to Emmaus, missing God when He is right there with us? How frequently do we forget to really listen to what our heart is telling us? When our heart is burning we don't often stop long enough to feel what it's telling us. Most of us sense that we could definitely do better in this department. The good news is that Jesus didn't leave the disciples sight never to return. Instead, He returned for ALWAYS. The Holy Spirit became God in them and then God in us: right now and for all tomorrows. Today our heart burns within

The Wisdom of Solomon in the Catholic Bible

The Wisdom of Solomon, also called the Book of Wisdom, is one of seven books included in the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible which does not appear in Protestant Bibles. The Wisdom of Solomon was written in Greek, most likely in the 1st. century B.C. in Alexandria, Eygpt. The title in Greek, translated as the Wisdom of Solomon, attributes the book to King Solomon, the son and heir of King David of Israel. King Solomon was celebrated for his wisdom, and the attribution of this book to him invokes a great authority as the source for the wisdom found in it. The first five chapters of the Book of Wisdom explain the function of Wisdom in human destiny and compares the fate of the good and the fate of the bad both during life and afterwards. Chapters six through nine treat the origin and nature of Wisdom and how it can be won. Chapters ten through nineteen recount the role Wisdom played in the history of God's chosen people Israel, especially focusing on the critical event of the Exod